S. Korea: POSCO announces group-wide human rights commitment with new management system
“POSCO Group, Proclaims Human Rights Commitment… Strengthening and Standardizing Group-Wide Integrated Human Rights Management”, 24 February 2025
…On Feb. 20, POSCO Group held a proclamation ceremony for its “Group Human Rights Commitment” at the Seoul POSCO Center. Attending the event on this day were POSCO Group Chairman In-hwa Chang, along with the CEOs of six group business companies—POSCO, POSCO International, POSCO E&C, POSCO Future M, POSCO DX, and POSCO Steeleon—as well as Sung-taek Lim, the representative attorney of Jipyong LLC. Furthermore, the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Korea Association, the world’s largest sustainability initiative, delivered a congratulatory address by video.
…In particular, POSCO Group has launched the Group Human Rights Management Council led by POSCO Holdings for the standardization of human rights management among the holding company, business subsidiaries, and overseas branches, and is establishing a real-time monitoring system for potential human rights issues that may arise throughout the group’s business activities. Also, POSCO Group plans to proactively assess risk factors related to human rights for its global operations and among stakeholders and operate a company-wide human rights risk assessment system to identify, prevent, mitigate, and address negative impacts. Through these efforts, the company intends to internalize human rights management as part of its corporate culture.
…POSCO Group intends to publish a separate Human Rights Management Report as part of the upcoming POSCO Holdings Sustainability Report, set for release in June. The group plans to transparently disclose its human rights management initiatives and actively share the implementation status of its human rights management framework through ongoing dialogue with global investors.
※ The full text of POSCO’s ‘Group Human Rights Commitment’ can be accessed here.