Same-sex marriage briefs swamp Supreme Court
With the U.S. Supreme Court set to decide the legality of same-sex marriage bans in Michigan and elsewhere this year dozens of legal briefs…calling for the bans to be overturned flowed into the court…[One] brief was signed by…U.S. companies, including Johnson & Johnson, Apple [and] Microsoft…"Inconsistent state marriage laws impose an added economic burden on American businesses at an estimated cost of over one billion dollars per year," said the brief filed by 379 businesses and organizations…[A]micus…briefs were being filed ahead of the Supreme Court's hearing on challenges to same-sex marriage bans in Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee set for April 28. A decision, expected by summer, could help determine the status of same-sex marriage bans nationwide…The court is considering whether states are required under constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states…