San Francisco de Locomapa - Tolupan Indigenous Community (Comunidad Indígena Tolupán San Francisco de Locomapa)
Three people injured and a family left homeless is the result of a joint confrontation between elements of the National Police and loggers against residents and environmental defenders in San Francisco de Locomapa, an indigenous community of the Tolupán ethnic group, located in the department of Yoro. For years, the Tolupanes have fought for the respect of their ancestral rights and to prevent the plundering of their environmental commons. However, on 10 May, some 90 inhabitants of Locomapa were physically and psychologically attacked by the National Police and representatives of the extractive company "Industria Maderera Rene Eleazar" (INMARE), owned by businessman Wilder Domínguez. The main demand of this community is the cessation of the exploitation of their natural resources. In the context of their petition, they have called for the reinstallation of the "Campamento Digno por la Defensa del Bosque y el Territorio Tolupán" (Dignified Camp for the Defence of the Forest and the Tolupán Territory), whose purpose is to generate an organised and peaceful protest. It was in this context that several members of the community mobilised to the timber extraction zone to stop the logging, which resulted in serious consequences against the villagers, such as: injuries to a minor, people injured by firearms and knives, and the burning of the house of Celso Cabrera and his family, who stand out for their active defence of the community's property.