Saudi firms not paying workers' wages amid pandemic
Date Reported: 8 مايو 2020
الموقع: السعودية (المملكة العربية)
Almarai - Employerالفئة المتأثرة
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
عمال مهاجرون: ( Number unknown - Location unknown , الأطعمة والمشروبات , Gender not reported )القضايا
Dismissal , Wage Theftالرد
Response sought: Yes, by Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
الإجراءات المتخذة: None reported.
نوع المصدر: News outlet
Date Reported: 8 مايو 2020
الموقع: السعودية (المملكة العربية)
Not Reported ( المؤسسات التربوية ) - Employerالفئة المتأثرة
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
عمال مهاجرون: ( Number unknown - مصر , المؤسسات التربوية , Gender not reported ) , عمال مهاجرون: ( Number unknown - الأردن , المؤسسات التربوية , Gender not reported )القضايا
Wage Theft , Dismissalالرد
Response sought: لا
الإجراءات المتخذة: None reported.
نوع المصدر: News outlet
Many companies in Saudi Arabia have been forced to stop work due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while other companies have suspended the payment of all or part of the salaries to their employees, Arabi21 reported...
A number of companies forced their employees into unpaid leave...
Amongst the companies that decided to expel employees or reduce salaries was the Almarai company, one of the largest dairy companies in the world with over 40,000 employees.