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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English

رد الشركة

23 يناير 2018

Shanta Gold

Shanta Gold's response

"Response to Baseline report dated November 2017"

...Shanta is responding to the points that have been raised in the report:The first Environmental Certificate covering the three mining licenses was granted in 2012 after a very rigorous ESIA process was concluded. The Government oversees the process and the Community was consulted as was indicated by the Local Government representatives. The proof of consultations in form of photographs and signatures of who attended is part of the addendum to the ESIA write up. Currently, Shanta is in the process of updating its ESIA to align with prospective mining operations. Consultation with the stakeholders including the Community will be part of the approval process as required by law. After the approval of ESIA then, the Environmental and Social Impacts Management Plan will be prepared...

Health and safety of all employees and contractors is Shanta’s highest priority. Shanta’s safety record in Tanzania in 2017 (inclusive of employees and contractors) outperformed the industry benchmark according to ICMM (International Council on Mining & metals).Casuals are compensated for injuries suffered while performing Shanta duties. In Singida’s case, Shanta has gone to the extent of assisting in emergency medical cases in the villages through first aid and by transporting the sick to Puma and Singida hospitals 45 and 60 km away. The call comes from the Village Executive Officer.

Shanta engaged the Community thoroughly prior to the resettlement process. With that process, a Resettlement Working Group (RWG) was formed with 55 members including Government officials as well as Community Reps. Meetings were held and study tours to area covered by the mining licences were arranged and taken. An Independent Valuer was chosen by the RWG and a written consent was obtained from all beneficiaries before accessing their properties for valuation.Valuation was done for everyone pointing out their properties and witnessed by Local Government Officials. The valuation report was held by the Member of Parliament (by people request) for nine months before it was submitted to the Government Chief Valuer for approval.

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