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19 نوفمبر 2021

Amnesty International

Statement from Amnesty International: Qatar: Ensure fair trial for Abdullah Ibhais

We are deeply concerned by the detention of Abdullah Ibhais, who has already been subjected to multiple violations at the hands of the Qatari authorities. His case has been fraught with fair trial violations, and he is now on hunger strike in protest at his latest arrest. “Abdullah Ibhais was arrested just days after he spoke publicly about his case, in what appears to amount to arbitrary detention in retaliation for speaking out about his experiences. “Qatari authorities must immediately launch an independent investigation into Abdullah’s claims of ill-treatment, and quash his conviction and sentence if they are found to have been based on a coerced ‘confession’. Qatar must ensure fair trial standards are upheld in all cases, including ensuring all defendants are provided with legal representation from the moment of their arrest.”
Lynn Maalouf, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International

الجدول الزمني