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15 نوفمبر 2016

Rachel Brown, ABC News

Supermarkets need to step up in face of exploitation of migrant workers: National Union of Workers

إظهار جميع الإشارات

As another Coles and Woolworths supplier is accused of exploiting illegal migrant workers,the National Union of Workers secretary says it is time for supermarkets to step up and help change the system...

Following a joint ABC 7.30 and Fairfax investigation that exposed slave-like conditions faced by migrant workers in northern Victoria and southern New South Wales, the National Union of Workers recently sprung a raid on A&G Lamattina and Sons, asking to see employment records for every worker on the Mornington Peninsula farm.

"What [is] need[ed] is for the supermarkets to strike agreements with the workers having involvement in them, and then having independently verifiable audits of those agreements on a daily basis." [...] 

In a statement to Fairfax, the company said "A&G Lamattina and Sons is fully compliant with all regulations and are working with Fair Work Australia to investigate these allegations and resolve this matter". 

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