The bicycle industry’s dirty secret
…for the workers who make our bikes in Taiwanese factories, conditions are often dirty, dangerous and demeaning… Bianchi, Canyon, Centurion, Giant, Merida, Pinarello, REI, Scott, Specialized and Trek … have had bikes or components made in Taiwan…
… Maxxis, has factories here too…
…Specialized and Centurion buy from Merida; Giant supplies Trek, Scott, and until recently REI; Bianchi, Canyon and Pinarello source from Fritz Jou among others; Cannondale and Cervélo from Kenstone Metal. Cycleurope – behind brands like Crescent, Kildemoes, Monark and Puch – also sources from Taiwanese firms…
...Giant will implement a no-fee recruitment policy this year…
No other Taiwanese manufacturers replied to our requests for comment…
…Merida is a majority owner of … Centurion … and minority owner of … Specialized…
…Specialized and Trek were silent for months…Scott…told us that ‘…we are pleased to confirm that Giant has taken an important step…
…Pinarello stated, ‘…we were not aware of this alleged practice, so we started to look into this after you wrote to us.’…Canyon…stated that future recruits … will not have to pay such fees. Bianchi, Canyon, Pinarello and Cycleurope all explicitly said that they do not tolerate workers paying for jobs …
… Chunghwa Post holds Giant shares…
…Continental is a main sponsor of the Tour de France and Giro d’Italia…The Tour and the Vuelta are organised by French media conglomerate Amaury Group …The group…refused to say if it has concerns about forced labour …
[all named companies were approached for comment by the journalist]