The Corporate Crimes Principles: Advancing Investigations and Prosecutions in Human Rights Cases
...These Principles address corporate crimes broadly, focusing not just on human rights abuses that should be criminalised, such as forced labour, human trafficking and aiding and abetting sexual and other forms of violence, but also conduct which may result in, or contribute to, human rights abuses...Tackling corporate crimes – especially when they occur across borders – raises many legal, political and practical challenges. Relevant laws may apply only within a State’s territory or may have been historically designed to address individuals rather than corporate entities. State authorities may not prioritise the investigation and prosecution of corporate crimes. Law enforcement officials may lack the expertise and resources to pursue this type of offence...In sum, the Principles are dedicated to implementing the State duty to protect as well as the realisation of the right to remedy and reparation for victims of corporate crimes. The Principles seek to ensure the highest possible level of accountability, deter future harm, encourage a responsible business culture and enable rights for the victims. They should be carefully studied and embraced by all State actors responsible for accountability for corporate crimes.