Turkish apparel suppliers to Arcadia Group call on Deloitte LLP to ensure all payments owed are fulfilled
"IHKIB Declaration on Arcadia Group", 19 December 2020
We, as the producers and suppliers of apparel in Turkey, declare the following to Arcadia Group, Deloitte LLP and all concerned parties... with the regretful situation faced by Arcadia- we see that our dues and receivables being treated as claims of dubious ground, and our services as non-essential. Throughout the global pandemic and other calamities faced in the year 2020, we have worked tirelessly to meet the demands of our business partners and buyers both in the UK and all over the globe...
Accordingly, individual offers sent to suppliers and producers that are signatory to this declaration are not due for consideration. We request that all offers are made to IHKIB, which shall have the right to negotiate on our behalf.
To this end, we demand from the Arcadia Group Limited, the Administrators at Deloitte LLP and all relevant persons that our dues to be honored, the obligations towards us are fulfilled and our work is given the appreciation it deserves. Going forward, we request that the rights of our own suppliers, employees and business partners to be respected and to engage in negotiations of good will.