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20 مايو 2024

Claire Rush & Jennifer McDermott, The Associated Press

USA: Indigenous communities demand to be involved in offshore wind development decisions

"California Congressman Calls for Greater Tribal Involvement in Offshore Wind Farms" 20 May 2024

A congressman who represents California’s north coast has sent a letter to federal regulators asking that they “urgently place” a senior official in the state to respond to tribal needs as wind power is developed offshore...

“Regional tribal nations are asking for the opportunity to help influence the way in which offshore wind is executed off the shores of the West Coast,” said Heidi Moore-Guynup, director of tribal and government affairs for Blue Lake Rancheria...

BOEM [Bureau of Ocean Energy Management said] the renewable energy leasing process will be comprehensive and transparent and incorporate indigenous knowledge and tribal perspectives...

The tribe is currently opposed to the development of offshore wind. But that could change if tribes are truly part of the decisions, not just informed of them after the fact, Hostler-Carmesin said [chief executive officer of the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria]...