[video] Americas Now 01/07/2013 CKD [Nicaragua]
[Video transcript:] In the last decade, 24.000 men have died [in Nicaragua]…of an illness whose origin is unknown…called chronic kidney disease (CKD)…The cause of the disease…has pitted the victims against…Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited owned by the Pellas Group. Residents widely believe that chemicals used by the sugar plants to spray the crops play a major role in contracting CKD. The company firmly denies it…The company says its policy is to not spray pesticides from planes near the homes. However, evidence shows otherwise…According to Ariel Granera of [Nicaragua] Sugar Estates Limited, the company has implemented rules to prevent heat stress [also a potential cause of the disease]…but [their effectiveness]…is highly debated…[The company] insists that [the issue] can’t be blown out of proportion. [Also refers to San Antonio Sugar Mills (part of Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited)