Video highlights plight of South African miners as Anglo American AGM starts in London
Lawyers for over 4000 ex-miners are marking this year’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of…Anglo American…with the launch of an online video highlighting the plight of miners suffering from…silicosis, allegedly caused by excessive dust exposure on Anglo American gold mines…The video has been endorsed by Leigh Day, Action for Southern Africa (“ACTSA”)…and the South African National Union of Mineworkers (“NUM”)…[The] NUM President, and…Health and Safety National Chairperson, will be personally attending the AGM to speak up for the victims…Leigh Day are assisting…miners in their legal action against Anglo American South Africa Ltd (“AASA”), now a wholly owned subsidiary of Anglo American…claiming damages…for their illness, which they claim is due to negligence…in failing to control silicosis and dust exposure…