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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


16 إبريل 2020

Ramesh Budhathokim, Kathmandu Post (Nepal)

“We don’t want to die in this desert”: Nepali workers in the UAE plead to be brought home

إظهار جميع الإشارات الادعاءات

From mid-February to mid-March, [40 Nepalis] slept on the sidewalks and in public parks, surviving on food [donations]... After they resigned from their job, which was neither paying them as promised nor providing accommodation, they had... no place to live and no money...

[The workers] all migrated to the UAE to work as taxi drivers for Emirates Cab seven months ago...

They had been promised 1,500 dirham, approximately Rs49,585, as salary and an additional 300 dirham for food, besides accommodation... once they were given taxis, they were evicted...

They were paid between 100 and 200 dirham, when it cost them an average of 300 dirham for accommodations and another 300 for food.

الجدول الزمني