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16 أكتوبر 2021


Zimbabwe: Sinohydro workers in Hwange strike over low salaries and unfair treatment; Company did not respond

"Chinese Sino Hydro Workers In Hwange Strike Over Low Salaries, Abuse", 16 October 2021

Hundreds of workers at Unit 7 and 8 US$1,5 billion expansion project have downed tools accusing the Chinese company, Sino Hydro of violating labour laws by underpaying, victimizing, or firing disgruntled workers.

The workers also want to be paid their salaries in US dollars, which is what Chinese nationals working at the power station, and doing the same work are getting.

Sino Hydro is undertaking the multi-billion dollar expansion project of the ZESA Hwange Power Station. [...]

On Wednesday, the management called anti-riot police to the power station, but the workers remained calm at the main gate where they are staging their strike.

This forced the police to leave without making any arrests or dispersing the workers. [...]

The workers claim they have not been getting their payslips for several months now, and believe this is meant to make sure there is no record of underpayment.

According to sources the workers’ committee and Sino Hydro management have been locked in numerous meetings this week with no breakthrough. [...]

Efforts to get a comment from the Sino Hydro management were fruitless. [...]