From June-September 2018, the Resource Centre conducted a study of the human rights commitments and actions of 30 banks, investment firms, and investment branches of mining companies that we believed to be financing extractives projects in Southern Africa. The goal was to analyse whether companies are adequately conducting due diligence and taking other steps to avoid contributing to abuse in this particularly risky sector. Research was conducted by analysing publicly-available statements on company websites, regional publications, and mining industry publications, as well as surveying companies directly about their policies and practices.
We invite you to explore the responses we received from seven firms: Investec, Rand Merchant Bank, Nedbank, South32, Citigroup, ING, and UBS. All seven of the companies that responded have a human rights policy in place that references at least one international standard (such as the Equator Principles), a commitment to conduct human rights due diligence on new clients, and a practice of on-the-ground assessment of at least some new projects.
Please also view our infographic that outlines the key findings of our research, case studies on allegations of abuse at Southern Africa mines, and guidance for companies and investors.
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Key Findings Infographic
View our summary of the research findings, including salient quotes from company disclosure, analysis of the contents of company disclosure and further resources.