Brazil: Organisations point out companies whose activities have potential connections with the illegal extraction of gold from the Yanomami Indigenous Land

Agência Brasil - EBC
The invasion of Yanomami Indigenous Land by more than 20,000 miners since 2019 and the negligence of the Bolsonaro administration has resulted in a serious humanitarian, environmental and health crisis.
The so-called Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários (DTVMs) are financial sector companies that are authorised to buy gold in Brazil. A survey conducted by Repórter Brasil highlighted that three DTVMs, Ourominas, D'Gold and Carol, appear in investigations on gold mining in the Yanomami Indigenous Territory. Furthermore, these companies and their executives are involved in at least seven lawsuits in the Federal Court related to environmental crimes or money laundering in the scope of illegal mining in the Amazon. However, none of the lawsuits have been judged and the companies continue to operate.
Organizations such as the Escolhas Institute and Human Rights Watch have identified companies whose supply chains are potentially linked to gold illegally extracted from Brazilian indigenous lands, such as Bulgari, Rolex and Tiffany. According to the NGOs, these companies do not provide complete data on the origin of the gold used in their activities.
The BHRRC invited Ourominas, D'Gold, Carol, Bulgari, Rolex and Tiffany to comment on the allegations. Only Ourominas, Rolex and Tifanny responded.