Indigenous Peoples call for respect for their rights, participation & shared prosperity in clean energy transition

Declaration of Indigenous Peoples’ Participants in the Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Just Transition - 18 April 2024
Representatives met to discuss address the pressing issues surrounding a just energy transition in a first-of-its-kind conference ahead of this week’s UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), organised from 12 – 14 April 2024 by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) and Right Energy Partnership with Indigenous Peoples (REP).
The statement highlights the central importance of a global shift towards renewable energy – but calls out the catastrophic failure to respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples thus far and the damage this is causing to people and planet. The statement makes clear that putting Indigenous Peoples front and centre and supporting their empowerment to spearhead renewable energy initiatives is a key ingredient for delivering a fair, fast and effective energy transition, as well as being essential for self-determined sustainable development.
Participants underlined that at least half of the world’s transition minerals and significant renewable energy potential is located on Indigenous Peoples' lands, and that there can be no just transition without an approach that respects the rights of those who have held the territories for millennia.
The statement concludes by setting out specific demands for states, companies and energy regulators to deliver a just transition based on respect for Indigenous Peoples’ rights. These include:
- For states: Fast-track divestment from fossil fuels; provide direct, adequate and flexible funding, including access to climate financing mechanisms, and technical and legal capacity-building support to empower Indigenous Peoples to shape their own present and future in renewable energy development.
- For companies and investors: Fairly negotiate and implement equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms, including co-ownership and co-equity models, that respect Indigenous Peoples’ rights and contributions and ensure respect for their right to FPIC.
- For energy utilities and regulators: Establish effective mechanisms for full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples in planning, implementation, revenue generation and monitoring of energy development projects; ensure access to affordable renewable energy for Indigenous Peoples’ communities.
Read the full declaration
Read the full declaration from 87 Indigenous Peoples’ representatives at the Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Just Transition