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Angriff auf HRD

23 Okt 2023

30 protesters in Panama

Datum des Vorfalls
23 Okt 2023
Alle/s korrekt
30 protesters in Panama
Nicht zutreffend
Gruppe für Umweltfragen
Willkürliche Gefangennahme
Zielsetzung: Einzelperson
Ort des Vorfalls: Panama
Minera Panamá Panama Bergbau
First Quantum Minerals Kanada Bergbau
Andere Akteure


On 23 October 2023, at least 30 activists were arrested following protests following the National Assembly's approval of a contract for copper exploitation in Central America's largest open-pit copper mine, operated by Minera Panama, a subsidiary of Canada's First Quantum Minerals, in view of the declaration of unconstitutionality of the previous contract. At the beginning of 2024, 21 of those arrested were charged with terrorism

Since the start of the protests in October 2023, several people have been injured, including journalist and activist Aubrey Baxter, who lost an eye due to excessive use of force by the police. On 1 November 2023, Diógenes Sánchez, a member of the Panamanian Teachers' Association (Asoprof), was arrested by police following his active participation in the protests. On 7 November, Abdiel Díaz and Iván Rodríguez were shot and killed by a gunman.