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Angriff auf HRD

14 Aug 2024

6 activists

Datum des Vorfalls
14 Aug 2024
Gruppe für Umweltfragen
Willkürliche Gefangennahme
Zielsetzung: Einzelperson
Ort des Vorfalls: Uganda
East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd. Vereinigtes Königreich Öl, Gas & Kohle
TotalEnergies Uganda (part of TotalEnergies) Frankreich Öl, Gas & Kohle
Andere Akteure


On 5 August 2024, seven activists, including Marjolein Moreaux from Extinction Rebellion Belgium, were arrested while marching to the Chinese Embassy in Uganda to protest against the proposed construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). Deputy police spokesperson confirmed the arrest and stated that they will be charged with inciting violence and common nuisance.