amfori/BSCI statement on TTNC Watch report on Taiwanese Businesses in Indonesia
[...] At amfori, we are committed to deliver our members solutions and tools that support them in their ESG due diligence journey, which includes supporting them in advancing workers’ rights in their supply chains. We believe our efforts can contribute to the Business and Human Rights Resource Center’s mission to advance human rights in business and eradicating abuses.
After a thorough check of our amfori Sustainability platform, we find no records of any audits performed in the Indonesian factory of Tainan Enterprises. The reference to being “strictly in compliance with Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)” on their website is not aligned with the amfori Brand toolkit for suppliers which prohibits any use of our brand in ways that would imply certification or endorsement.
We will therefore introduce a formal request to Tainan Enterprises to remove any misleading reference to amfori on their website.
I would like to thank you again for giving us the opportunity to clarify these points.