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3 Mär 2024

Lee Yeon-woo, The Korea Times

Australia: Court decision favouring project paves full-scale LNG production in 2025

"Recent court decision accelerates efforts for full-scale LNG production to begin in 2025",

After years of legal battles, a court decision in January favored the project's proponents, granting them permission to resume activities.

An industry insider closely acquainted with the matter interpreted the legal victory as an indication that "all environmental and legal risks posed by the islanders and climate activists have been addressed following the court's decision." According to this source, the ruling paves the way for full-scale LNG production to commence in 2025 as initially planned.


In May 2021, however, the islanders were alarmed by news of planned offshore drilling in the nearby Timor Sea, as part of the Barossa gas project.

Owned by Australia's Santos (50 percent), Korea's SK E&S (37.5 percent) and Japan's JERA (12.5 percent)...


...the islanders sought a meeting with Korean investors on their visit. Despite their efforts, no one agreed to talk to them. They say the refusal was particularly "disheartening,"...

"Eximbank (Export-Import Bank of Korea) has committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. We ask Eximbank to comply with Free, Prior, & Informed Consent, which is included in their human rights policy," Bourke added.


Environmental activists also refuted SK E&S' statements that the LNG produced would be "eco-friendly." ...

After years of legal battles, a court decision in January favored the project's proponents, granting them permission to resume activities.

An industry insider closely acquainted with the matter interpreted the legal victory as an indication that "all environmental and legal risks posed by the islanders and climate activists have been addressed following the court's decision." According to this source, the ruling paves the way for full-scale LNG production to commence in 2025 as initially planned.

Eximbank has opted not to comment on the issue.

