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28 Okt 2013

MiningWatch Canada

Barrick Ignores UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Recommendation Regarding Papua New Guinea Rapes

...Barrick’s remedial programme [in its Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea] is reportedly processing rape victims...and requiring legal waivers in exchange for benefits packages…MiningWatch and other human rights experts concluded that Barrick’s remediation programme does not meet international human rights criteria and that the packages Barrick is offering the women are not ‘rights-compatible’…The UN High Commissioner...called for an independent review of Barrick’s remediation programme by a party that is considered credible by “key stakeholders.”…“Barrick should not process rape victims before submitting the programme to an independent review,” says [MiningWatch Canada]. [Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Barrick Gold to respond. Response provided.]

Part of the following timelines

Papua New Guinea: MiningWatch Canada says Barrick should not process rape victims under its remediation programme before UN-recommended independent review

Porgera Joint Venture complaints mechanism for rape victims - MiningWatch concerns