Better Buying guidelines for "better" purchasing practices for retailers & brands amidst COVID-19 crisis & recovery
"Guidelines for "Better" Purchasing Practices Amidst the Coronavirus Crisis and Recovery", 2 April 2020
... Better Buying... [carried] out a micro-survey of suppliers to gather quick input on how the Coronavirus is impacting their businesses and workers. We also asked about the specific impact of their customers’ Coronavirus-related purchasing practices, and whether any customers have implemented best practices.... 294 suppliers from 39 countries... participated...
The results provide a snapshot of impacts and best practices suppliers globally are experiencing as a result of the coronavirus crisis and guidelines for retailers and brands have been developed on the basis of these... for immediate and wide adoption... [to] address immediate concerns of Short-Term Crisis Management: Supplier Cash Flow... [and for the] Coronavirus Recovery period that will require new ways of working...