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9 Jul 2014

Thomson Reuters Foundation

Brazil: World Cup stadium builder OAS added, then removed from slave labour "dirty list"

"World Cup stadium builder added to Brazil's slave labour 'dirty list'", 4 July 2014

Brazil’s Labour Ministry has added the construction company that built two stadiums for the World Cup to its slave labour “dirty list”...OAS SA...was accused of subjecting 124 workers to degrading conditions at the construction site…in the...state of Minas Gerais…OAS…said in a statement…that its inclusion on the list was unjustified…A day after the list was published, OAS obtained a court order to have its name removed, according to the Labour Ministry…Brazil’s slavery blacklist was launched in 2004 as part of a countrywide campaign to eradicate slave labour in mostly rural areas. Since then, hundreds of companies and individuals have been included on the list after investigations by labour prosecutors. Blacklisted employers lose access to government loans and may suffer restrictions on the sale of their products…