Dow response to Business & Human Rights Resource Centre regarding concerns raised by Amnesty International USA related to Bhopal
The Dow Chemical Company stands by its SEC disclosures [to shareholders] regarding Bhopal. In all of Dow's communications regarding Bhopal..., we have consistently, clearly and openly stated Dow's position that we have always taken regarding Bhopal. That is, that Dow never owned or operated the plant site...and, as such, has no responsibility or liability for the plant site... Amnesty International USA is well aware that the Bhopal site was never -- and is not now -- a Dow plant... What happened in Bhopal with the Union Carbide India Limited plant in 1984 was a terrible tragedy. The fact that the site remains without remediation adds to the tragedy that occurred. This site is in the hands of the State Government of Madhya Pradesh. They own the site and they have the authority to ensure the site is cleaned up.