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29 Mai 2020

European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)

ECCJ publishes updated map & comparative analysis of mHRDD laws & legislative proposals in Europe

"Mapping mHRDD progress in Europe: map and comparative analysis of mHRDD laws and legislative proposals", 28 May 2020

The map provides an overview of the different mHRDD processes in Europe, classified in four categories (policy statements, government commitment, legislative process, adopted law) depending on the state of progress.

The comparative table provides an overview of the specific provisions in the laws adopted or being discussed at the national level, as well as in the concrete legislative proposals put forward in different European countries. The table analyses the status, nature and scope of each law and legislative proposal; the standards they aim to protect; the due diligence and transparency obligations they aim to impose; and the civil liability and public enforcement mechanisms foreseen, if any. In particular, the table compares the following legal texts:

See also here for an overview of national movements for mHRDD in Europe, compiled by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.