FIDH's Reflections on the Second Revised Draft
"Second Revised Draft of Binding Treaty - Reflections on the text in preparation of the 6th Session of the IGWG", 20 October 2020.
FIDH welcomes the efforts made by the Chairmanship of the IGWG to publish the new draft of the LBI ahead of the 6thsession in Geneva (October 2020). It is pleased to note that the text takes into account some of the comments made bycivil society organisations during the latest negotiation session and in recent months. This publication summarisesFIDH’s main reflections on the text and outlines some of the main challenges that still remain in the current draft. Wehope that this exercise will be helpful to our members and partners, and will stimulate the work of civil society and ofgovernmental delegations in preparation of the October session...
In spite of these numerous substantive improvements, and in order for the treaty to truly allow a significant step forwardin protecting human rights from corporate abuses, the current text still has several substantial shortcomings that mustbe addressed...