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25 Jul 2019

Office of the Attorney General & Department of Justice (Kenya)

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"National Action Plan on Business & Human Rights: For the Implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights"

In Recent years Kenya has seen significant increase in foreign investment and remarkable growth in the domestic private sector. While these trends may support sustainable development, they may also adversely affect workers rights, communities and the environment. Adverse effects from business activities range from community displacements, child labour, environmental degradation and detestable working conditions. Without deliberate state stewardship, Kenya's expanding investments may lead to unmitigated violations of human rights. The Government through the Office of the Attorney General & Department of Justice has developed a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, a comprehensive strategy for protecting against human rights abuses by businesses, whether private or owned by Government...

This Action Plan details policy priorirty areas that the Government will focus on in the next five years in a bid to ensure that all businesses including State Owned Enterprises respect human rights. The Action Plan consolidates the existing efforts in the protection and fulfilment of human rights by the State and non state actors. I call upon both levels of Government and businesses to put in place the necessary mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of this National Action Plan.