Guatemala: UN Special Rapporteurs send letters to Solway, CGN and PRONICO about the criminalization of defender Carlos Choc

PBI Canada
"Special Rapporteurs raise concerns about the criminalization of Maya Q’eqchi’ journalist Carlos Ernesto Choc in Guatemala", 19 January 2024
...Three letters have been sent by UN Special Rapporteurs highlighting complaints of judicial harassment and criminalization of journalist Carlos Ernesto Choc Chub in relation to his reporting on the Fénix nickel mine in El Estor, Izabal, Guatemala...
The letters were sent to the Government of Guatemala; Solway Investment Group, Solway Holding, Ltd., Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel SA (CGN), Compañía Procesadora de Níquel de Izabal SA (PRONICO); the Government of Malta and the Government of Switzerland.
The three letters are referenced as AL GTM 6/2023; AL OTH 128/2023; and AL CHE 5/2023: and are dated November 6-7, 2023...
The letters ask a series of key questions including: “Please explain the legal basis for the charge of ‘unlawful detention’ and the charge, now dropped, of ‘incitement to commit a crime’ against Mr. Carlos Ernesto Choc Chub and how they are compatible with article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”...