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13 Sep 2024

H&M's response to allegations of abuses in Myanmar garment factories - October 2024 Update


We are in the process of gradually phasing out our operations in the country in a responsible way following theFramework Principles of a Brand’s Responsible Business Disengagement from Myanmar by IndustriAll...

In each of the cases raised by the BHRRC, we were informed directly and were able to react immediately to seek a solution. All issues reported to us, have already been resolved, often thanks to close cooperation between local trade unions, our suppliers and the local H&M Group team at the production office in Yangon. Our team is closely and regularly following up with suppliers to ensure that any violations are identified and appropriately remedied...

[The full response is attached]

Part of the following timelines

Myanmar: Garment workers at VHT Garment factory dismissed without receiving wages; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly forced to lie during brand inspections; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report wage cuts if they take leave; incl. co. responses