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6 Jul 2021


Honduras: OHCHR statement on David Castillo’s conviction for the assassination of the defender Berta Cáceres

"#OHCHR welcomes the historic ruling of the @PJdeHonduras in the Berta Cáceres case", 05 July 2021

...OHCHR welcomes the historic ruling of the @PJdeHonduras in the Berta Cáceres case and recognizes the role of the judges. In addition, the office recognizes the great work of the @MP_Honduras and the legal teams that represented the victims in this process carried out in full respect of due process, judicial guarantees and judicial independence. By establishing co-perpetration responsibility for the murder of Berta Cáceres as an environmental defender, a judicial precedent is set on the importance of justice in crimes against human rights defenders. In this sense, the sentence is key to guaranteeing the right to truth and justice for the victims and society as a whole, and represents a milestone in accountability and strengthening the rule of law in Honduras. OHCHR calls for the continuation of the investigations and the punishment of all those responsible, and offers its willingness to continue providing technical assistance to the competent institutions...
