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16 Sep 2019

Amanda Lee, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)

HSBC chairman Mark Tucker condemns violent protests in Hong Kong

… Speaking publicly for the first time about the summer of unrest, HSBC chairman Mark Tucker said Hong Kong thrived because of its stability, resilience and rule of law.

“Its rule of law is essential to its status as an international financial centre. And we fully support the resolving of the issues peacefully, but under the framework of one country, two systems,” Tucker said in an interview with China Central Television…

“And we really look forward to being part of a peaceful and prosperous Hong Kong and clearly supporting China’s growth and development.

“We strongly condemn violence of any sort, any kind of disruption to communities where customers, staff and shareholders are based. We clearly have deep concern.”…

Tucker is the most senior executive from the British bank to join the chorus of business leaders condemning violence sparked by protests against the now-withdrawn extradition bill.

His comments follow advertisements in several Hong Kong Chinese-language broadsheet newspapers… [in August] by HSBC, Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia, calling for calm and a return to order…

[Also referred to Cathay Pacific, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Zara]
