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5 Dez 2016

Ramesh Babu, Hindustan Times

India: Kudankulam nuclear plant row - protesters live under the shadow of sedition

...More than 6,000 of 10,000 inhabitants of southern Tamil Nadu’s Idinthakari village live in the shadow of sedition. Many say their only crime was living in the epicentre of the massive popular protests against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant that rocked the region a few years ago. Across the small fishing village, sedition charges have ravaged lives and many young people say their very livelihoods are in danger...Throughout it was a peaceful movement. I don’t know how a Gandhian movement can become seditious like this,” said PMANE leader S P Udayakumar, a US-returned academic who has been leading the movement since its inception.


Part of the following timelines

India: Protesters against Kudankulam nuclear power plant say it lacks safety measures, waste will harm environment

India: Villagers & activists raise concerns over safety of Kudankulam nuclear power plant - Supreme Court says will halt production if safety standards not met

India: Villagers continue to protest against Kudanukulam Nuclear Power Plant fearing loss of livelihood