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14 Okt 2021

Kritti Bhalla, Business Insider India

India: Urban Company reduces commission cap in 12-point agenda following protests

"Urban Company has announced a 12-point agenda to improve partner earnings after over 100 workers protest", 14 October 2021

...Urban Company...announced a 12-point agenda to improve the earnings of the service professionals listed on the platform and bring in more transparency for all the stakeholders.

Urban Company has decided to reduce the commission cap to 25% from the previous 35%..The company has also marginally increased the cost of high demand service to offer higher payment for customers.

It has also decided to remove all temporary blocks on service professionals. The company noted that several service professionals were algorithmically blocked for a wide range of reasons from working on the platform for a short interval of time.

This move will reduce overall blocks by 80% and ensure that no partner loses out on available time on the platform.

The development comes after over 100 female beauticians protested outside Urban Company’s office...They demanded a better pay scale, working conditions and insurance at Urban Company.

You can read Urban Company’s previous detailed statement here.
