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28 Okt 2022

Ashok Kaura, Tribune India

Indian Embassy begins exercise to help 100 Punjabi workers stranded in Abu Dhabi

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The Embassy of India in Abu Dhabi has begun exercise to help about a hundred Punjabi workers stranded in Abu Dhabi after direction from the Union External Affairs Ministry...

Dilbag said Square General Contracting Company LLC is based out of Al Dana Tower in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He said this company has one camp at 14, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi, where the youth are currently stranded and have no way to contact their family and friends. Parents of these youth received information from their relatives living abroad.

Dilbag Singh said the passports of these workers are deposited with the company. It has forced workers out of their jobs, but their passports are not being returned. As such, these workers are not able to return to India.

Dilbag has urged the Embassy of India in Abu Dhabi to locate the camp and help the youth.