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15 Jun 2024

Gusty da Costa, Indonesia Business Post

Indonesia: IMIP spokesperson denies explosion as cause of two workers' injury

"Two workers injured over hot steam burst incident at Tsingshan Smelter", 15 June 2024

Two workers of PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel, one of the tenants at the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) ....


Media Relation Manager of IMIP, Dedy Kurniawan, confirmed the incident. He, however, he denied that the accident was caused by explosion at the smelter furnace of PT ITSS.

“That’s right. But we reiterated once again that it was not caused by an explosion, but hot steam burst inciden when the workers cleaned steel slags at the factory’s floors,” he said in a statement on Friday, June 14, 2024.

According to Dedy, the incident happened when a number of workers were cleaning the floors of the factory from steel slags. To ease the cleaning process, workers cut the steel slags. A worker then poured water at the freshly cut steel slag in order to speed up the cooling process. As a consequence, burst of hot steam hit the two employees.

Currently, the IMIP Safety team is investigating the accident on site.
