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14 Apr 2016

Lucy Dixon, Middle East Business Review

Italtel, a leading Italian telecommunciations company, signs Iran deal

"Plans to modernise telecom network in Iran"

The Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Italtel, a leading Italian telecommunications company in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), managed services and all-IP communication, which will develop and modernise TCI’s telecom network.

The MoU was signed during an official Italian Government mission to Iran led by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Italtel CEO Stefano Pileri said: “The MoU signed today represents a fundamental step forward in the cooperation between Italy and Iran and we are proud to be part of this important project. Telecommunications and ICT represent an accelerator for the development of many other areas and the economy in general”.

Having built up a wealth of experience in building and transforming complex networks of a large number of international operators, Italtel currently operates in the EMEA and LatAm markets, addressing large enterprises, public administration and service providers as a market leader in digital transformation.

