Cognyte Software lawsuit (re allegedly aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Myanmar, filed in Israel)
On 2 January 2023, a complaint was filed with Israel’s Attorney General on behalf of more than 60 Israeli citizens and human rights activists against Cognyte Software for alleged complicity in human rights abuses due to a contract to sell intercept spyware to Myanmar's telecommunications firm just before Myanmar's February 2021 military coup. Despite Israel's claims of halting defence technology transfers to Myanmar, documents suggest that the deal occurred and involved technology used for extensive surveillance, raising concerns about violations of international human rights standards. The case is ongoing.
Factual background
Israel’s Cognyte Software Ltd won a tender to supply intercept spyware to Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) just a month before Myanmar’s military coup in February 2021. This transaction occurred despite Israel’s stated policy of halting defence technology transfers to Myanmar following a 2017 Supreme Court ruling. The intercept spyware from Cognyte allows for comprehensive surveillance, including call interception, message viewing, web traffic monitoring, and user location tracking, which has raised concerns given Myanmar’s history of human rights abuses.
Legal argument
The legal complaint, filed with Israel’s attorney general, argues that Cognyte’s sale of intercept spyware to Myanmar contradicts Israel’s public stance on ceasing defence technology transfers to the country. The complaint accuses Cognyte of potentially aiding and abetting crimes against humanity, asserting that the technology provided could facilitate Myanmar’s human rights abuses, including the suppression of dissent and persecution of the Rohingya population.
Legal Proceedings
On 2 January 2023, a complaint was filed with Israel’s Attorney General on behalf of more than 60 Israeli citizens and human rights activists against Cognyte Software due to a contract to sell intercept spyware to Myanmar's telecommunications firm just before Myanmar's February 2021 military coup. It accuses the company of allegedly “aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Myanmar”. The case is ongoing.
News items
Israel’s Cognyte won Myanmar spyware tender before coup, Al Jazeera, 15 January 2023
Justice for Myanmar calls on Israel’s Attorney General to take urgent action following application for criminal investigation into Cognyte’s business in Myanmar, Justice For Myanmar, 15 January 2023