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27 Mai 2015

Professor Tyler Giannini, Harvard Law School, Professor Sarah Knuckey, Columbia Law School

Letter to Barrick Gold & external committee re: Human rights concerns regarding assessment of Porgera remedy mechanism

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We are writing to share some initial concerns regarding the current design, methodology, and mandate of the Barrick Gold-funded assessment of its Porgera, Papua New Guinea sexual assault remedy mechanism.

1. Independence of the review...
2. Investigation methodologies...
3. Scope of the review mandate...
4. Transparency about review methods and processes...

Presently, our view is that there is too great a risk that this complicated review may be mishandled... [The] review should be suspended until the problems are addressed.  In particular, the following should be resolved before the review proceeds:
• ...key relevant stakeholders should be involved in the creation, design, and selection of the assessment structure, mandate, investigation team, external committee, and processes;
• The detailed investigation and research methodology needs to be available to stakeholders and participants, at a minimum...; and
• At present, moving forward may do more harm than good for key stakeholders, including sexual assault survivors... Clear, strict, and rights-based protocols for establishing confidentiality and informed consent must be put in place.
