Mining unease [Canada]
...[At] the 2013 conference of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada...protests...managed nicely to make the connection between mining behaviour at home and abroad...[One] drew attention to proceedings against...Hudbay Minerals....[alleging] the company, through its Guatemalan subsidiary [Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel], is responsible for the death of one indigenous anti-mining activist, the injury of another and the rape of 11 women...[A]boriginal communities across Canada have signed roughly 200 agreements with mining firms for joint projects, in some cases reaping only modest equity stakes...[The] terrain on the partnership front could get increasingly rocky, fractured as it already is by complaints about inadequate consultation and compensation, disrespect for traditional and sensitive lands, and lingering pollution...PDAC now promotes corporate social responsibility, enviro protection and aboriginal engagement, exhorting companies to consult up front. [also refers to Nordex Explosives, Cliffs Natural Resources, Shell]