Modern slavery risk on rise in European supply chains
The European migrant crisis is forcing a sharp rise in human rights risks in European supply chains...includ[ing] the UK and Germany, which have moved up from 'low' to 'medium' risk in the annual Modern Slavery Index [conducted by consultancy Verisk Maplecroft]...[M]odern slavery risks have risen in 20 of the 28 member states of the EU over the last year, the research finds...Verisk Maplecroft points to the arrival of migrant populations in Europe as a key contributor for the increase in slavery, who it says are "extremely vulnerable to exploitation" across multiple sectors, including agriculture, construction and services. The five EU countries posing the highest risk are Romania, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Bulgaria – countries that are key entry points for migrants into the thus deemed as the country with the most deteriorating slavery situation globally...Turkey experienced the world's second-largest jump in the index...moving into the 'high risk' category. This was triggered by...the Syrian refugee influx, Turkey's restrictive work permit system and the low priority for policing labour violations...Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand...all feature in the 'extreme' or 'high' risk categories. Ranked 21, China remains firmly established among the worst performing countries. The index's highest ranking nations include North Korea, Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, DR Congo, Sudan, Iran, Libya, Eritrea and Turkmenistan.