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22 Feb 2022

Bahrain: NGOs' forensic investigation reveals NSO's Pegasus spyware entrenched in Govt. targeting of activists despite evidence of previous spyware misuse; incl. co. comments

Pegasus Spyware, an NSO Group subsidiary which caters exclusively for government clients, is allegedly continuing to supply the Bahraini government with spyware used as recently as September 2021 to hack devices of government officials, journalists, and other individuals who are outspoken on Bahrain's potential abuses of human rights despite stark evidence that the Bahraini government has misused spyware for reprisal in the past. This contradicts NSO's claims that infringements on freedoms of such nature are not tolerated and that they are dedicated to upholding human rights. As a matter of fact, Amnesty International alleges Pegasus's spyware technology is inherently incompatible with such claims because there are no limits to the access clients of Pegasus could have of their targets' devices.

This information was confirmed following investigation by the Pegasus Project (a consortium of global media coordinated by Forbidden Stories which conducts forensic tests on mobile phones to identify traces of the Pegasus spyware) on the involvement of Bahrain with the NSO Group, and forensic investigations by Amnesty International, Citizen Lab, and Red Line for Gulf.

The misuse of cyber intelligence tools is a serious matter and all credible allegations must be investigated, if and when the relevant information would be provided. The continued reporting of unsubstantiated allegations by uninformed sources is unfortunate and wrong.
NSO spokesperson