Myanmar: Garment workers at Galaxy Myanmar factory report multiple labour rights abuses
Date Reported: 29 Sep 2023
Standort: Myanmar
New Wave Group - Former buyer , Roly - Buyer , Galaxy Myanmar - Supplier , Worko - Buyer , Body Guard (part of Fastenal Brands) - Buyer , Clique (part of New Wave Group) - Former buyer , Fastenal Brands - BuyerBetroffen
Total individuals affected: 350
Arbeiter: ( 350 - Location unknown , Kleidung & Textilien , Gender not reported )Themen
Harassment (other than sexual) , Geschlechterdiskriminierung , Dismissal , Excessive production targets , Denial of leave , Denial of permanent contracts , Wage Theft , Occupational Health & Safety , SchwangerschaftsdiskriminierungAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: Galaxy Myanmar allegedly supplies to New Wave Group (for its Clique brand), Fastenal Brands (for its Body Guard brand), Roly and Worko; New Wave Group provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre, stating one order in September-October had been subcontracted to the factory without their knowledge. Fastenal Brands, Roly and Worko did not respond.
Art der Quelle: News outlet
"Galaxy (Myanmar) factory labor rights violation", 29 September 2023
...According to Myanmar General Federation of Trade Unions FGWM, the owner of the Galaxy (Myanmar) factory in Hlaing Thayar Industrial Zone, a Chinese national, is...demanding a [target] increase from the workers...
The owner...hit...the machine with his hand, [demanding the target] and screaming. According to FGWM, they are throwing things [too].
In addition, the employer, super[visors and] interpreters also force pregnant women to work hourly along with other workers...workers who can't [meet the target] are treated unfairly and fired and new workers are hired.
"There is no permanent [employment] of day workers who have completed 3 months of service. The order [had to be] completed by September 24th... After the order, on September 25th, all the day laborers were fired.
Galaxy (Myanmar) factory workers do not get casual leave, If you take one day of...medical leave, [your wage] will get cut...There is no medical clinic at the workplace. The workers said that due to the lack of enough fans, the workers were...fainting...
Galaxy (Myanmar) factory...operates with more than 350 workers. Spanish brand known [to be sourcing from the factory]...
[Translation via Google Translate]