Myanmar: Older garment workers at garment factory face abuse from HR worker
Date Reported: 27 Aug 2024
Standort: Myanmar
North Shore Group - Supplier , Bergans , Vaude , Schöffel , JD Sports FashionBetroffen
Total individuals affected: 300
Arbeiter: ( 300 - Location unknown , Kleidung & Textilien , Gender not reported )Themen
Harassment (other than sexual) , GeschlechterdiskriminierungAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: North Shore Group allegedly supplies to or has supplied to Vaude, Schoffel, Bergans, and JD Sports; Vaude, Schoffel, Bergans provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre, stating they had ended operations with the factory. Bergans stated its last shipment was sent in December 2024 and Schoffel stated its last shipment was in October 2024. JD Sports previously stated it had ceased operations with North Shore Group in September 2021, and exited Myanmar in June 2022.
Art der Quelle: News outlet
"North Shore Garment Factory's Bullying Affects Workers", 27 August 2024
Workers allege that an HR employee at a North Shore (NorthShore Group) garment factory is...bullying [workers].
The factory, which employs around 300 workers, says the HR clerk is using abusive language to pressure workers, including older workers.
"He speaks to older workers, both male and female, in a bossy tone. He tells them to sit down, stand up, bring food, and tell [him] what [they're] looking at."
The workers say the HR employee's abusive tone toward older workers is so harsh...that it makes them feel bad for the person being bullied...
In addition, a factory worker said that general workers who came to work in the factory were also subjected to harsh words.
Employees in the cleaning, security, storage, packaging, and mechanical departments in the factory were the most affected by the words spoken by the HR employee...
Although there is a mailbox in the factory where complaints can be filed, HR does not respond to complaints, according to workers.
The garment factory owned by North Shore Group is located in Pathein Township, Kimlin Island, Pathein Special Industrial Zone...
The factory produces brand names such as VAUDE, Schoffel, and BERGAN, according to Myanmar Labour News...
[Translation via Google Translate]