Myanmar: Supervisors at garment factory reportedly 'humiliating' workers to meet increased production targets
Date Reported: 1 Mai 2024
Standort: Myanmar
Lon John International - SupplierBetroffen
Total individuals affected: 600
Arbeiter: ( 600 - Location unknown , Kleidung & Textilien , Gender not reported )Themen
Excessive production targets , Harassment (other than sexual) , Geschlechterdiskriminierung , Einschüchterung & Drohungen , Occupational Health & Safety , DismissalAntwort
Response sought: Nein
Art der Quelle: News outlet
"Lon John International garment factory increase the fabric demands 4 times and humiliate the workers", 1 May 2024
Workers from Lon John International garment factory said that the factory increase[d] the [targets] four times and the supervisors are continuously humiliating them.
Lon John International [is operating] with around 600 workers.
...super[visors] are...verbally abusing them if they couldn’t [meet targets].
“The factory is asking [for targets] beyond the workers’ productivity and the workers are working on it without going to toilet or tak[ing] a water break...Workers who failed to finish are forced to sign a warning [after] which they are dismissed after 3 attempts,” said a worker.
The super[visor] from Line B4 is oppressing the workers and the male super[visors] participate in it by verbally harassing the workers...
The workers are not entitled to leave and...40,000 kyats to 50,000 kyats [is cut from their wages] for missing a day of work...
“The officials came to inspect but the truth is not revealed as the supervisors already selected the workers who will lie for them. The factory is hiring the underage children too...The workers are not allowed to take mobile devices and wallets to the factory and there are even cases such as the worker’s parent pass away or the worker’s kid heavily suffer as the factory confiscate their mobile devices making them unable to contact or get contact from their home. There are illegally lottery tickets dealers in the factory which can be witnessed from the CCTV but there are no valid actions against them,” the worker said.
The factory neither have trade union or workplace coordination committee and the workers are hoping to have in the future to resolve the workplace disputes.
[Translation via Myanmar Labour News]