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31 Aug 2015

Emily Liedel, Smithsonian.com

Nicaragua: Inter-American Human Rights Commission to investigate claims of human rights abuses of ethnic groups for construction of canal

"The Rama community's efforts offer a glimmer of hope for opponents of the canal project planned by a Chinese billionaire”, 27 Aug 2015

…The Rama-Kriols hold a communal title not only to the nine settlements where community members live, but also to the 4,843-square-kilometer territory where they fish, hunt, and farm…The massive Nicaragua Canal planned by…Hong Kong Nicaragua Development Group…is destined to wipe at least one Rama village off the map…The Rama-Kriol government claims that it yielded to pressure from the national government and only granted the permit after environmental consultants contracted by HKND and escorted by the military entered Rama territory, causing alarm within the communities…The case at the IACHR is probably the Rama’s best chance for meaningful international intervention…

