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17 Mai 2024

Dachen Isaac, Ripples Nigeria

Nigeria: Federal High Court jails 2 Chinese nationals for illegal mining in Kwara State

"Two Chinese nationals jailed for illegal mining in Kwara" 17 May 2024

A Federal High Court sitting in Ilorin, Kwara State,has convicted and jailed two Chinese nationals, to one year imprisonment each, for engaging in illegal mining activities in the state.

The duo, along with their company, Ebuy Concept Limited, were arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), before Justice Evelyn Anyadike, on one-count charge related to illegal mining and possession of solid minerals without the required licenses.

Their conviction was confirmed in a statement on Thursday by the Commission’s Head of Media and Publicity, Dele Oyewale, who said the Chinese nationals were arrested after they had purchased 30 tons of minerals, transported via a truck with Registration Number JJJ 386 XT, at Banni in Kaiama LGA of the state in February...