Non-response from MSPO to allegations of labour abuse at member company FGV
MSPO did not respond to our request for information:
- Respond to the reported allegations of rights abuses and violations at MSPO-certified and member Felda Global Ventures and confirm whether these issues have been uncovered through MSPO auditing and monitoring processes since January 2023, including allegations of:
- Workers’ passports and documentation being withheld;
- permits not being renewed; and
- grievance mechanisms being ineffective and lacking confidentiality.
- Outline any steps taken to investigate whether breaches of the MSPO certification standards have taken place and what steps MSPO has taken or intends to take in relation to FGV’s membership.
- Outline the steps MSPO takes to ensure workers at certified mills are aware of the MSPO standards and understand how to raise concerns if its terms are violated.
- Disclose any audit findings for FGV for the period including January 2023 to present along with information about any corrective action plans issued during that period.