Part 2: We Came to Qatar to Pursue our Dreams
Date Reported: 4 Okt 2022
Standort: Katar
GS Employment Service - RecruiterAndere
Not Reported ( Bau ) - EmployerBetroffen
Total individuals affected: 1
Wanderarbeitnehmer & eingewanderte Arbeitnehmer: ( 1 - Nepal , Bau , Men , Documented migrants )Themen
Contract Substitution , PersonalbeschaffungsgebührenAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: Company did not respond.
Art der Quelle: News outlet
In the second part of Martin Schibbye’s reportage series from Nepal, we meet hotel owners and construction workers who have made it out of poverty thanks to opportunities in Qatar, and those who are on their way there, attracted by the promise of quick cash. [Includes an allegation that GS Employment Services is illegally charing a recruitment fee - see details of allegations by pressing on the allegations icon left. We invited the company to respond but it did not].